When you receive good advice, you should always follow it up with two actions: Take it in and spread it around. It’s simple to find someone who will tell you what you want to hear, but your true ally will tell you what you need to know. Give yourself an advantage by following these 40 pieces of top advice that most people overlook and your life will be sorted for sure.
To remember for life…
1. The majority of decisions are reversible. Don’t be concerned with making the “correct” decision. Define the problem, make a list of potential solutions, and choose a course of action. Some decisions are one-way streets, but the majority are not.
2. Stop trying to be happy. The self-help culture deceives you into believing that happiness is just around the corner. Humans, on the other hand, evolved to survive, not to be happy. It’s normal to experience difficulties or to not feel joy at all times. You’re a person.
3. This isn’t about you. Don’t take it personally if someone belittles or rejects you. Most people are too preoccupied with their own issues to notice what you’re doing or who you are.
4. Careers do not exist. Don’t be concerned about the narrative of your “career.” Pursue your passions. Take care of your own needs. Adapt to new circumstances. And be willing to reinvent yourself at any age.
5. Everything gets old. Life is full of diminishing returns. More money, fame, prestige, travel, or sex will not make you happy indefinitely. Learn to recognize when you’ve had “enough.”
6. Life is not “fair.” Life rewards those who are already at the top. However, no matter where you started, you can improve your situation. Waiting for the world to be fair is a losing strategy.
7. No one understands what they’re doing. People make up elaborate stories about their lives, but no one has it all figured out. That’s how it’s supposed to be if you’re confused or uncertain about your life.
8. Ignore the majority of advice. Most people will tell you what they would do if you asked them for advice. But you are not one of them. Learn to believe in yourself. And test your ideas with the few people who will take the time to put themselves in your shoes.
9. Everyone has something to teach you. Even your obnoxious political opponent can teach you a thing or two. Learn to let go of your first impressions and try to understand others. Speak less. Pay closer attention. Become interested in how people came to be who they are.
10. Donate before you’re ready. No amount of money or success will prepare you to give back. Giving is a habit that should be developed. Begin giving today and increase your giving tomorrow.
11. Be thankful for what you lack. Life can always be a lot worse than it is right now. Instead of obsessing over what’s wrong, be thankful for all the terrible things you don’t have.
12. Show up. In the long run, consistent and focused effort outperforms talent. Daily actions add up in amazing ways. Pick a direction, make a little progress every day, and keep going to excel at anything.
13. Your actions indicate your beliefs. What you do, not what you say, defines you. Fancy words cannot compensate for a sloppy character.
14. Communicate with others who are older than you. Older people may not be up to date, but they can teach you a lot about what is truly important in life. One day spent with older people can save a decade of time spent on meaningless activities.
15. Describe your life. Keep a journal. Write about the insignificant aspects of your life. Almost everything that happens to you will be forgotten. Reading an old journal, on the other hand, will remind you of how wonderful life can be and how much you’ve grown.
16. Say no to almost everything. On a 10-year time horizon, very few things matter. Get used to saying no to things you don’t want to do. Life is too short to please everyone.
17. Apologize more frequently. When you make a mistake, accept responsibility. Listen to the person you offended, offer a genuine apology, and promise to be better in the future. If you value a relationship, apologize even if you believe you are not at fault.
18. Bad experiences frequently become good stories. Most wounds heal over time. What seems unbearable at the time often becomes something to laugh about later.
19. Choose optimism. Pessimism is more persuasive than optimism. However, it is optimism in the face of a difficult situation that motivates people to find a way forward.
20. Follow your energy. Listen to your gut instinct if something in your life feels off. Leave a relationship. Change your career path. You can’t always connect the dots.
21. Pay attention to the birds. Birds chirp all over the place. But you won’t hear them if you’re caught up in your own inner turmoil. You will when you are calm and present. Pursue a life of inner stillness. When you’re on the right track, the birds will let you know.
22. Take a chance. Live an adventurous life. Experiment with new activities. Put yourself to the test. Stop worrying about what others think. Simply send it, but be aware of your limitations.
23. Go over books. Books allow you to go beyond the boundaries of your direct experience. They assist you in gaining access to centuries of wisdom from the world’s greatest thinkers. Books teach you how to live, be a good person, lead, and succeed in life. More books should be read.
24. Go for a walk. Even the most vicious mental prisons can be broken open by a long walk.
25. Take it easy. Life goes by quickly. Slow down and appreciate what you have today, especially if you are ambitious and driven. You can always do more tomorrow.
26. Making progress is motivating. Because motivation is unpredictable, you cannot rely on it. Taking action and making progress is the most effective way to boost your motivation.
27. Have a charitable attitude towards others. Most people are decent. They have the same desires as you. Someone who has a bad idea or makes a mistake is not a bad person. Assume that everyone is giving it their all.
28. Do not wait for money. It is a mistake to wait until you are “financially free” to make the decisions you desire. Money provides more options, but it does not alter your behaviour. Do something now if you want to. Don’t sit around waiting for money.
29. Progress is not a straight line. Self-help wants you to believe that you must constantly improve. This concept sells more self-help books, but it isn’t how life works. Progress is not a straight line. Sometimes all you need is to do nothing and relax.
30. Inner peace trumps external success. Many “achievers” are unhappy on the inside. Avoid falling into this trap. No amount of success will bring you inner peace. Learn to be at peace with yourself regardless of what you have or what others think of you.
31. Surround yourself with people who want the best for you. Remove negative and toxic people from your life with zeal. You need people who want the best for you, especially during difficult times.
32. Stop overthinking things. Go for it if you want something. Don’t sit around waiting for someone to come along and help you get closer to your goal. Try not to imagine your way into the future. Choose what you want. And find a small way to get closer to that goal today.
33. Choose courage and strength over comfort. Don’t let the ease of your current situation prevent you from aspiring to be more in the future. Experiment and fail frequently. Aim to live a fearless life with no regrets.
34. Focus on the present. Everything you want to accomplish begins with what you do today. Make long-term plans. But keep in mind that what you do today shapes your future. You are only here right now.
35. Choose your response: You have the ability to choose how you respond to any situation in life. If you encounter a challenge, try to learn something from it. Try to see the good and naturalness in negative feelings when they arise.
36. Give it back. If someone assists you, repay the favour by assisting someone else. Don’t undervalue the impact of a small act of kindness.
37. Look after yourself. Create good habits. Spend as much time walking, meditating, and playing as you can. Never pass up an opportunity to spend time with someone you care about.
38. Strike a balance between the “doing” and “being” mind. The “doing mind” is concerned with getting things done and reaching goals. Accepting your reality without feeling compelled to change it is what the “being mind” is all about. Find a happy medium between these two modes of operation.
39. Acknowledge your pain and grief. Life is difficult. Make friends with your bad feelings. Don’t try to mask them with too much food, alcohol, or other quick fixes. Find the strength to sit in your pain.
40. Avoid taking shortcuts. Commit to living a life that prioritizes long-term respect over short-term popularity. Do what you say you will do and when you say you will do it.
Sometimes we receive excellent advice but fail to apply it. Take it in and spread it around.